About This Blog

My blog, Voices for the Voiceless, comes from the feeling of never having had a voice. I was always told my personality or emotions were too much. Over time, I began to see that those were just the wrong people; they couldn’t handle the reality of, well, me.

I hope to empower everyone to embrace themselves no matter where they come from. I hope to reach the minds of those who’ve felt like darkness is all they have in their life; those who need light. I hope to inspire others to see there’s much more to life than what may seem like the end. I hope to be a reminder that we should keep fighting, and that we don’t have to fight alone.

Voices for the Voiceless

Origin Story

The Voices for the Voiceless blog was birthed from my own painful experiences of not being heard. I’ve had my own blood attempt to cast their negative opinions on me, causing me to feel I could never succeed at whatever I chose to do. In turn, I avoided going after my passion: writing. After a while, I started to see that my voice, my words, as well as my thoughts, did matter and hold a tremendous amount of power. I wanted to use this power for good, to be the influence and inspiration on young minds. To allow creators to release their trauma through the art of words, especially those within the black community.

The Black Collective

I want to reach the hearts of the black community and ignite them to delve deeper into the trauma we so often avoid facing. My voice was given to reach, inspire, and hopefully motivate them to see that all of us are deserving of happiness, freedom, and hope. This space is safe for the black community to discuss traumatic experiences, in whatever manner they please. So often I have run into people like myself who in the past have quieted themselves out of fear that their words will not be valued. Voices for the Voiceless can become a platform for every person who believes they feel or think too much, or just simply need something to hold onto that will help get them through their days.


Growing up, I’d often draw this flower. For me, it represented a symbol of peace. It was what I drew when I wanted to make others, and myself, smile. When I started drawing it in school my friends would ask me what it meant, and I would say peace. Even though I’d never actually looked up the meaning of this particular flower. I began to draw it when I felt down, lost, or alone. I didn’t know its actual meaning until a customer at my job explained its significance: remembering and symbolizing the hope for future peace.

I had explained to her the reason for drawing the poppy flower and she responded that its more important than I know. Yeah, sounds pretty mysterious, and I blew it off at first. Later that evening when I was rethinking my life, I realized this symbol got me through the worst times, nights where I would question my reality. I drew this flower to represent my strength and my future.

– Queen J.

“You can write yourself into healing”

Please read my posts and leave comments! This is a platform for you to voice your own thoughts and experiences, too.