A Lil Bit of Fun Freedom & Recovery

Day Trip Fun: Kentucky Edition ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ–ค๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ—

Phew! Okay, where to begin? It’s been a whirlwind of a weekend and I’m so glad I got to spend it with family and friends. I wish I could’ve extended my trip just a little longer to fully capture the heart of Louisville, but I loved every moment I got to spend there. I’m so ready for the next phase that God will bring to me in this journey. And I’m beyond grateful to have been in the presence of my inspiration and spiritual role model, Iyanla Vanzant. She’s a women who truly pours from her heart and soul.

A huge thing I took from her many influential words was this: in order to truly start healing, it has to come from the inside and there can be no healing without the vision of that goal. You have to envision the healing, the cleanliness of your soul in order for the process to begin.

As a poet with a really good memory, I’ll never forget what those 2 hours provided me: Stability and Tranquility.

As I sat in row P, seat 108, I was in a trance at how her words reached me in the same way I’ve been told my words have reached so many around me. I had such a motivating experience. Of course, there were other memorable moments where I may or may not have shed a few tears or had the urge to clap, shout, and even dance, but the most meaningful ones were all about trusting your Faith. Which doesn’t necessarily mean what we think. As Iyanla states it, it can be used as an acronym: Fearlessly Allowing It To Happen. Personally, I have some growth to do in this department, but I can reflect on situations that I’ve allowed to happen without too much of a control issue.

For those who do not know me as well as others, I’m a control freak. At times I have to know, have to have all the answers. It brings me comfort, or rather it brought me a sense of comfort to know I had things my way. I began to grow comfortable with trying to get all the answers. On this topic, Iyanla made sure we all connected and understood the negative side affects of falling victim to our C.A.T.S. (i.e., crazy-ass thoughts). You know, the ones where you come up with the craziest answers to something you think’s happening, but was not actually a reality? Yeah, those.

Iyanla suggested that instead of deflecting these thoughts, we should attend and befriend our crazy. We need to understand that we’re only coming from a place of fear and worry. She reminded me that we’re allowed to move through our crazy thoughts. However, we allow damage to occur when we permit these crazy thoughts to disrupt our peace, happiness, and joy. Don’t allow anything to disrupt any of these blessings.

Last major takeaway from my destination trip was when someone asked what the first step towards healing was.

Iyanla simply smiled and stated, “You have to be willing to do the work and know that things that happen in your life are happening through you, not to you. Through you.”

– Queen J.

A Lil Bit of Fun

Festival Fun

Happy Pride! ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒผ

On June 22, 2019, I had the pleasure of attending my first Pride Parade! I was able to meet plenty of new people and share in a really beautiful experience. Love is love and I could truly feel that from every hug, compliment, and story I received. I learned more about the LGBTQ+ community and am proud to have walked and participated in this very expressive parade. It was truly uplifting. I was able to capture many smiling faces. So, I definitely will be attending more in the future!

– Queen J.

first pride shenanigans