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Living in Alignment

Hey ya’ll its Queen J. back with another blog update on where life has taken me. In 2023, I began existing in flow, after coming off a very special birthday celebration in October, (Libra gang,) and finding love for myself in more unique ways; I found myself paying more attention to my inner childs needs. I allowed myself to reconnect with those after taking time a part to grow. I accomplished everything on my goal list this past year; starting with exploring more and connecting with new people in different states and countries.

To start, I traveled to see the Luv is 4ever tour, visiting Michigan for the first time. Then, traveled to see Chicago, making sure to visit every place on my travel list. honestly, I traveled so much in the past year that it became the highlight of 2023. top it off with launching W.I.P. on August 19th with the help of my chosen family. I aslo managed to elevate my life to give back to the community in my new job. I pushed past mental barriers to grow my podcast series. * These are just a few of the accomplishments I managed to achieve in 2023.

Sometimes it feels like I haven’t grown or made changes in my life, but the reality is that simply isn’t true. Its actually a hinderance on what I have already accomplished. By me doubting myself because I feel I haven’t accomplished all that I’ve dreamed of in a specified amount of time, I have been inadvertenly setting limits on my goals. 

I’ve recently discovered that the key to assured success is shifting my perspective around said goals. My ability to channel and speak hard truths isn’t something that comes effortlessly and the glass ceilinngs I aim to break with my voice aren’t easily obtainable and may just take some time.

Naturally, most goals take time, and consistency to achieve. Every day can bring an obstacle, but my recent way of thinking has led me to understand that healing is about how I choose to navigate around them. Learning to exist in flow has become the most freeing thing I have ever experienced.

Existing in Flow

I used to never question whether or not I would sit in a negative space of thinking; begin to overthink myself into oblivion. There was never an “or ” to grab hold of. Thus, the obstacle (whatever that looked like) would grow and would overwhelm me, I would not have allowed myself to prevent the impending spiral with a positive thought or action that is counteractive to the negative response. It is here, where I began to truly exist in flow. The “or” I allowed myself to have was able to prevent oncoming mental breakdowns and truly gave me the choice to determine whether I truly cared or only cared because I felt I “had to“. In short, there is power in choice. this has given me the push to decimate any obligatory pressure. It allowed and continues to allow me the ability to take control over my reactions vs responses.

Understand, I did not get here easily, in fact it took me many losses to realize the beauty and freedom in choice. I used to struggle with coming to the “right choices“, but I began to see that when choosing for myself I musn’t look at how it will impact those who have harmed me. For when this occurs we are not taking our entire expeirence into consideration.

Consequently, I learned that when living in alignment; feeling complete in myself and my truths, no matter how dark and ugly they may be allows me to live a true life of authenticity.

I was able to let go of past hurt and reconcile with those that meant the most to me during a transformative period in my life. Without mastering the art of living in flow, I certainly would not have been able to cultivate the bonds I now have. One could argue that existing in flow is the same as

not sweating the small stuff or not taking others shit personally. Either way, when choosing to exist in this state you are able to see how life acts.

There will always be hurdles thrown our way whether they are big or small, but the power lies in how we choose to deal with the obstacles thrown our way. If we give ourselves the time to pause and visualize the or: then we can choose the outcome we play a role in.

This is one of the most meaningful steps to take towards catering to your inner childs needs and becoming unbothered by others projections of self. (more on this later)

Healing Our Inner Child

Our inner child refers to the part of our psyche that holds onto the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from our childhood. Healing our inner child involves acknowledging and addressing these past experiences to promote emotional and psychological well-being in adulthood.

When considering how to tend to those needs, it often takes a moment of deep intentionality and awareness alongside some deep reflection on what emotion or unmet need is being triggered. For me, I have found a great level of peace that lies in having the ability to identify what emotion is rising up within circumstance.

This can look like me taking the time to meditate over what I’m feeling and why (figuring out where its stemming from) or this can be me mapping out where the emotion is asking to be moved from.

When we think of emoting we often tend to forget that emoting means to move feeling through the body. Since developing this shift in perspective about the connection between self-soothing and the body, I have been able to feel happy when I’m crying because I view it as a total body release. Once we are able to tend to our needs and pour back into ourselves, we may discoover just how much peace and power already exists within us.

It is now time to . . .

Pause. Breathe, Relax.

Allow these words to give your soul a hug, move you, inspire you as you learn to become grounded within yourself.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I sit in spaces designed for peace and ease

I now see how hurdles can either make or break me

Some designed to destroy and deter me

Others designed to sharpen natural born gifts

Power rests within silence

Peace awaits those who seek it

Duality gives room for choice

obscurity with radiance

Balance in vitality

Will you choose to succumb to the recoil or choose the route of feedback?

The numbers 346 are so magnetic

The numbers 346 have this potent power that Im learning to control

346 means to maximize my power

so what does that mean when it goes by hour by hour

346.  Sit in it.

346 understand that time is ours

Allow your third eye to open to a new vision and stay focused

lets magnify and maximize our power within real time

so that means to get out of the confines

Affirm with me:

I’m not going to live with anxiety, not in this lifetime

346 means I’m going to distance myself from you and your anxieties and depressions and projections that you try and place on me

I let my wings fly so I can truly be free

so 346 is all within me

346 is all within my entity

it’s in my being

it’s in my destiny


I rise


I realize I come alive with each time I say these words

I realize

depression is no longer on my mind

affirm 346 as you begin to live in alignment with yourself and God

living in alignment each time we meditate over actions/ before giving into the reactions

know that not every situation warrants aggresssion /some require a gentle yet firm assertion

standing firm on the lines you draw, honors your true self day by day

Know its okay to let emotions exert from the body

For its only / a release a need for you to relinquish control over the past you continue to hold.

let go grant yourself grace and peace as your story unfolds. . .

-Queen J.

*if you liked this post, be sure to follow along with the sister podcast: Lets Get Uncomfortable by Queen J. located everywhere you listen to podcasts. *

Listen to the latest episode here! Thank you for seeing and hearing me! be sure to follow my other social links for all the positive ways you can reclaim your life after traumatic experiences!

instagram: @officiallyqueenj

For exclusive behind the scenes and podcast updates be sure to subscribe to the Patreon and be sure to schedule a 1:1 mindfullness session with me. 🙂

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By Janay H.

Hi there! My name is Janay and I want this blog to be a safe space where people who are looking for inspiration and motivation can get through those difficult days. I myself have been on the complicated ends of this spectrum. l wanted to create this blog so that people know that their voices are heard.

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